All were taken with a 22mm focal length (the maximum zoom), focused at infinity, with (I think) the ISO set at 100. Mostly I was seeing what I'd get by playing around with the lens aperture and with the exposure time.
I started with lens aperture at F/7.1, a 1 sec exposure, and got:
I opened up the aperture to F/5.6, keeping other settings the same, and got: 
I further opened the aperture to F/4, still 1 second (and same ISO), and compensated with a +0.7 overexposure, and got:
I reduced the aperture down to F/6.3, no exposure compensation, but extended the exposure to 4 seconds (yes), and got:

So, in the end, what I learned is that getting a brightly lit object and dimly lit objects in the same night sky to show up with decent detail on both is way more difficult than it might seem, and takes much more than fiddling with settings.
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