Where's the neck?

More pictures of the giraffes at the Living Desert. These were all taken by my talented fiancée (credit where it is due).


  1. Good shots. My favorite is the last one, the close up of the eye.

    I've tried photographing giraffes at a state fair but they were inside, under a large tent, very active. With their quick moves and bad available lighting, most of my shots didn't come out.

    I'm assuming that the giraffes in your shots were a bit slower due to the heat. Or am I wrong about that?


  2. Thanks, Ray.

    These were basically standing still (because they were being fed) and only a couple feet away from the camera, and in bright sunlight. In short, the conditions were beyond optimal.

    Next time you're at the fair, ask the handlers to bring any tent-bound animals outside. And see if they have any food you can give the animals.
