No actual stars spend any time along Hollywood Boulevard except when there's a movie premiere or ceremony, but the town kowtows to those moments. For the Oscars, the entire stretch of the street between Highland and Orange is closed a full week before the show. Traffic is redirected for over 7 days for an event that technically lasts around 4 hours. It takes time to lay red carpet down the middle of the street.
The only thing I really meant to show you was how the red carpet that is laid down the hallway leading into the actual Kodak Theater--which is still open to the public for that week, and not closed until the weekend of the ceremony--is covered with plastic. As though that was some clever Oscar show trivia. So there are a couple pictures of that. But of course I couldn't stop at merely that.
Never let it be said I don't cover topical things. I just do it my way.
20 Feb 2009
Fifth image from the top: Good to see that Oscar was prepared for his date with Paris Hilton. [g]
Ba-dump-chik! Ray does two shows on Sunday--tip your servers...