Ludo's bites

Scene's from Ludo Bites 5.0, a "guerrilla restaurant" from chef Ludo Lefebvre. (This was the menu.) (Taken with the little camera.)
Black sea bass
Guacamole ice cream
30 July 2010

Sweetgum Project 2.8 - May 2

One more post showing the growth of a couple American Sweetgum trees in the courtyard of my building (see this post for details), as has been documented in the last many posts. Here's how they looked on May 2.

Sweetgum Project 2.5 bonus - April 12

A bonus day of chronicling the growth of a couple American Sweetgum trees (see this post for details), because it rained the night before. Here's how they looked on April 12 (one day after the previous post), with water drops on the leaves.
12 Apr 2010

Sweetgum Project 2.4 - April 4

Continuing chronicling the growth of a couple American Sweetgum trees (see the last few posts for details), here's how they looked on April 4.
4 Apr 2010

Sweetgum Project 2.3 - March 28

Continuing chronicling the growth of a couple American Sweetgum trees (see the last few posts for details), here's how they looked in the late afternoon on March 28.
Continued in the next post.
28 Mar 2010